Monday, May 25, 2009

Commenting on blogs as a strategy to draw traffic to your own blog

This article aims to give you some tips on how you can use your interaction with Internet users to draw traffic to your web site, and ultimately grow your online community.

Many blogging experts agree that commenting on blogs is an effective way to draw traffic to own blog. In addition to allowing you to demonstrate your expertise giving relevant and useful information, commenting also allows you to provide a back link to your own web site, so that people who like what you said and are curious about you can learn more about it.

So how does this work?

a) Grab the attention of the readers

Use your comments to offer some insight into the issue that is being discussed, so readers become interested in who you are and what you have to say.

Your comments don’t have to be long or complicated; just say what you want to say. Over time, people will begin to recognise your name, and trust your views and opinions.

Some may even follow the link that you provide when you comment to wander over to your web site to find out what else you have to say.

b) Get the attention of the blogger

Blog readers are not the only people who take notice when you comment on posts. The blogger may also find your comment interesting.

This is how you meet and build relationships online. And if your comment warrants it, the blogger may even develop a post around your comment, redirecting their discussion. What it means for you is that this blogger’s readers will be even more aware of you and the link to your web site, and could result in more traffic.

Developing a relationship with this blogger also means that you may be invited as a guest blogger on their site, where you are given an opportunity to say more, impress the readers and win a following for yourself.

c) Create some back-links

When you comment and include your web site /blog URL to your name, you are in effect creating a back-link to your web site, which will slowly help you to increase you Google ranking. This will, in turn, drive more traffic to your web site through Google.

Emailing the blogger directly

I love receiving emails directly from my friends and readers, especially when they write to tell me how much they liked a post I wrote or how the information I provided has helped them. And sometimes, the email is private.

But there are times when I see friends and acquaintances waste a potential back-link by emailing me a comment directly to me, instead of posting it on the web site where it will do them some good.

I get an email of all the comments that are made on my blog, so there is no chance that I will miss your comment if you leave it on the blog. In fact, I will receive the email as soon as the comment is published.

So join in the discussions on your favourite blogs; offer your views and comments. But don’t forget that the ultimately, your objective for being online is to network and meet new potential clients and businesses associates. Make it easy for them to find you.

Damaria Senne is a writer based in Johannesburg. You can visit her personal blog or join her as she builds online communities here and here.


  1. Hello,,i just wanted to say that your blog on drawing traffic has been really useful to me..
    I need all the help i can get,lol..Thanx

    And i'll be back for more...Peace

  2. I like all you posts, they are all very informative and useful. This one is not the exception! Thank you very much for you work and keep up!
